Event No. 4 - When Is Too Soon to Transplant?
Growing Camp members don’t miss a thing — you all reached out to us with even more questions. So, Ed and the team are back to give you answers.
Growing Camp members don’t miss a thing — you all reached out to us with even more questions. So, Ed and the team are back to give you answers.
You have questions about transplanting, and Smokin’ Ed is here to answer them! In the last Reaper Growing Camp Event, Ed and the PuckerButt team showed you how to transplant your pepper plants when they’re ready so that they have the space to keep growing in a larger environment. Growing Camp members don’t miss a thing—you all reached out to us with even more questions. So, Ed and the team are back to give you answers.
Make sure you watch all of Event No. 4 to see how the dying plant Ed clipped in the last Growing Camp video is doing now, to check in on the PuckerButt team’s newly transplanted plants and also to take a look at how Ed’s plants in peat pots are doing vs. the plants that were potted using just Miracle-Gro Performance Organics potting soil. If you have any questions throughout the planting process, send them over to staff@puckerbuttpeppercompany.com. Your question could even be featured in a future Growing Camp video. And lastly, in the words of Ed, remember to NEVER give up on your seeds!
Puckerbutt Pepper Co.