Chocolate Plague. It’s Going to Cause Some Pain
There are hot sauces and there are Scoville sauces. Chocolate Plague is a Scoville sauce straight from the diabolical mind of Smokin’ Ed Currie ™ who is just as much...
There are hot sauces and there are Scoville sauces. Chocolate Plague is a Scoville sauce straight from the diabolical mind of Smokin’ Ed Currie ™ who is just as much...
There are hot sauces and there are Scoville sauces. Chocolate Plague is a Scoville sauce straight from the diabolical mind of Smokin’ Ed Currie ™ who is just as much of a chemist in the kitchen when he’s not in the lab creating the world’s hottest peppers- like the Carolina Reaper ™ and Pepper X ™.
Chocolate Plague has an incredible, earthy flavor profile that will delight you just before terrorizing you with Scoville body blows. This sauce was made with our freakshow pepper, the Chocolate Bhutlah, which is a mutant hybrid of the Ghost Pepper and Chocolate Douglah Pepper. It’s delicious and featured in the Hot Ones Season 9 lineup of top Scoville sauces- where it is ranked second hottest sauce. Some say that it’s fiery heat even tips the scale.
Beware, the Chocolate Plague will stick with you and forever effect your very being.
Chocolate Plague is a dark, sinister dive into extreme heat and it’s deep smoky flavor and spice kick in immediately.
Don’t let the name fool you, there is nothing sweet about this Scoville Sauce. The deep smoky flavor and spice kick in immediately and the aftershock continues, even after the mouth feel subsides.
Ingredients: Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper & Vinegar.
80% Fresh All Natural Peppers.
Just like the Scoville sauces in our lineup, like Chocolate Plague, our peppers are pure, straight fire. We grow over 100,000 pepper plants on one of the largest USDA Organic pepper farms in the U.S., that helps fuel the heat of several of the best hot sauces on the market, including: Chili Klaus, Culley’s, Endorphin Farms, Mrs. Renfro’s, Hot Ones and Fuego Box, to name a few. So, in this regard, you can kind of think of Smokin’ Ed ™ and PuckerbuttPepper Company ™ as a granddaddy of hotness and Chocolate Plague as fiery apple that did not fall far from our smokin’ hot tree.
Our Pepper Heads Say it Best When Describing Chocolate Plague
Watch the Halle Berry As She Takes on Chocolate Plague
From our farm to your table,
Smokin’ Ed and the PuckerButtPepper Company Team